The Social Side of Research

Ideas and insights on MR from around the Web

Comments have been edited for clarity and brevity.

Trends in online panel fulfillment
Posted by Lance Hoffman in Market Research Field Directors/Field Management Pros/Data Collection Vets/On-line & Off-line


The poster shares his observation that online panels are increasingly unable to fulfill the quotas that they had committed to and asks his peers if they are noticing this trend and what causes might be contributing to it.


"If you penalize every panel who falls short you will quickly be out of suppliers." - Aaron Walton


"I DO hold vendors responsible for non-performance, and they know this going into the project." - Ron Sellers


Thoughts on Google Glass
Posted by Tom Anderson in Next Gen Market Research (NGMR) - The Best MR Networking Group on the Web!


Linking back to his own blog, Anderson discusses his thoughts on Google Glass, a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display; a natural language interface; and personal big data. 


"Interesting to hear your thoughts on the practical implications and how it could effect the visual and natural language processing interface." - Deepa Daniels


"Within in 20 years the issue of privacy will have been relegated to the dustbin of history." - Terry Kaufman


Do you consider social media research to be quantitative or qualitative research?

Posted by Kathryn Korostoff in The Marketing Research & Insights Group

Despite the behemoth sample sizes available for social media research, Korostoff maintains that demographics and representation are required for a study to be considered quant.


"Perhaps it's neither. It's what I would call socialmetric research. A paradigm shift for our industry." - Robert Dawson


"IMHO, research is only quantitative if you're able to quantify results, and only statistically significant if you're able to gather a relatively large (and simultaneously verifiable) sample of respondents. Both rarely ring true together in social media research." - Jennifer Dale


How to do focus groups using Google+ Hangouts On Air
Posted by Emily Goon in QRCA Qualitative Research Discussion


Providing a link to an article in the December Quirk's, researchers discuss the various virtual qual tools available.


"Google gets access to your research content." - Jonathan Cook


"It rankles me that with all the low-cost and no-cost solutions available, videostreaming can cost upwards of 40 percent of the hard costs for a group. That's not right." - Hart Weichselbaum


"You get what you pay for." - Mike Carlon