Pan Am Series on ABC Television

Pan Am Series on ABC Television

Every company or product has a brand. In these days of SEO and clicks it’s easy to forget the impact that branding can have. ABC’s launch of its new series Pan Am showcases the impact of branding.

Pan Am Airways discontinued service in 1991 but 20 years later the brand and image lives on as Pam Am Brands. Pan Am branded itself by its color, uniforms, markings and logo and even the routes it flew. I’d venture to guess that most everyone would recognize the Pan Am globe.

While the airline was unable to survive deregulation and a poor economy, its identity lives on. Other brands that persist despite commercial demise include The Sharper Image, Circuit City and Montgomery Ward.

Though branding may not seem worth its while since it can’t really be measured in terms of clicks and obvious ROI, remember the lasting impact it can have. Firms like Virgin, GE, Coca-Cola, Mercedes-Benz and Apple invest heavily in their brands, producing colors and logos that are immediately recognizable. And they reap the benefits in loyal customers.

How are you working to build and strengthen your brand?