Demanding More - Raising the Standard for Physician Data Quality

Editor's note: Research Now and Market Probe head a webinar on raising the standard for physician data quality on Nov. 17, 2010. Duration 30:45.

Physicians have a unique relationship with the market research industry; they are asked to participate in studies often, and are offered large amounts of honoraria for their time. With such a financial incentive to qualify and complete a survey, there is uncertainty regarding the quality of the data being collected.

In the current environment, it is imperative that research companies look for ways to reduce the cost of doing research while at the same time improving the quality of the research. We have proposed including in future market research a series of traps and tests to identify potential problem respondents. This will ensure that only physicians providing quality responses are allowed into a survey as well as ensure that physicians are accurately providing answers during the body of the survey.

This joint presentation will use a case study to illustrate and discuss three key points:

  • The prevalence of data quality issues among physician surveys.
  • Ways to prevent these types of respondents from entering a survey.
  • The implications of not demanding action.

Our findings show that over 50% of poor-quality physician respondents can be identified within the first few questions.


  • Steve Young, senior director of health care, Research Now.
  • Madhunika Raghavan, senior vice president pharma divisions, Market Probe. 
  • Anne Marie Jedraszczak, associate project director, Market Probe.