The Social Side of Research

Ideas and insights on MR from around the Web

Comments have been edited for clarity and brevity.

Is there still a need for market research departments?
Posted by Denyse Drummond-Dunn in Market Research Professionals


Linking to a C³Centricity blog, Drummond-Dunn discusses the need for a new generation of analysts, insight developers, interpreters and storytellers.


"The moment we touch upon data integration we step out of the realm of MR and step into business intelligence." - Shrish Kaoley

"In the future market intelligence functions would be better served under strategy rather than marketing." - Andrew Heller


Billing for international travel time
Posted by Martha Guidry in QRCA Qualitative Research Discussion


The poster asks how, if at all, researchers are compensated for time spent on international travel. Client-side researchers weigh in as well! 


"I charge half time and round in the client's favor." - Hart Weichselbaum

"I've been to Asia, LatAm, Europe and have never charged and wouldn't work with someone who does." - Mary Baroutakis

"I wouldn't hire someone who charges for time in addition to travel expenditures." - Barry Goldblatt 


In the battle of emotional vs. rational, emotional always wins!

Posted by Robert Passikoff in The Marketing Research & Insights Group

A shared article from about how measuring expectations far outpaces counting pennies generated a lively conversation.

"The question is not whether a decision is emotional or rational, it's how much rationality (i.e., thinking, deliberation, System 2 processing) enters into the process." - Paul Conner

"An emotional pitch often carries more risk than a rational pitch if not done well." - Patrick MerrillÂ