Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Behavioral Studies

Editor's note: Entropik Tech gave a webinar on how to use qual and quant style research in behavior studies on November 16, 2022. 

Traditional quantitative and qualitative research methods are usually associated with bias and inaccuracies. And only those teams that have the luxury of time and budget go with behavioral studies in lab setups to increase the accuracy of data quality further.

However, AI technology has advanced to a level that behavioral studies can be easily integrated with quant and qual research without any hardware today. AI has democratized behavioral studies to a great extent, making them accessible and scalable for teams of all sizes.

In this session, we look at the feasibility of AI-led behavioral research and how to seamlessly make it a part of routine quantitative and qualitative studies. 


  • John Crouch, vice president of sales, Entropik Tech.
