A Powerful Combination: InContext Technology and Smartphone Eye-Tracking

Editor's note: eye square's webinar on June 23, 2021, focused on researchers use of real-world behaviors and research environments.

The synergy of smartphone eye-tracking and in-context research environments enables researchers to combine fast quantitative testing and in-depth answers. The standardized experimental approach from eye square provides the ideal setting for large-scale eye-tracking research. This allows for identifying the drivers of success for a product or creation. 

We have prepared and simulated multiple environments such as YouTube, Instagram and Amazon. These completely natural-feeling “sandboxes” allow for high experimental control while also allowing the better integration of eye-tracking. To capture natural browsing and purchasing behavior, this research is conducted on private devices. Note: eye square recognizes that these personal devices contain private information and take great care in following GDPR standards with consumer privacy in mind.

In this session, Jeff Bander and Philipp Reiter will explore with you:

  • How researchers capture real-world user behavior on devices that are used the most.
  • How eye-tracking can be brought to the next level with the right research environments.
  • How quantitative research and eye-tracking can be combined to provide fast results.


Jeff Bander, Chief Revenue officer, eye square

Philipp Reiter, COO and Partner, eye square
