Cari Pienta has joined C.J. Olson Market Research, Minneapolis, as administrative assistant.
Research 100, Princeton, N.J., has appointed Mark H. Sandler as president. Michael H. Sandler, the firm's founder, becomes chairman of the board. These changes are being made in conjunction with the celebration of the company's 25th anniversary.
Cheryl Hawkins has joined TrendQuest Custom Medical Marketing Research, San Diego, as project manager.
John Parsons has joined Total Research Corp., Princeton, N.J., as chief financial officer and vice president, corporate development.
Data Recognition Corp., Minnetonka, Minn., has promoted Patricia Davis to chief financial officer, from controller.
The Marketing Partnership, Inc., Stamford, Conn., announced that C. Alan MacDonald, former chief executive of Nestle Foods Corp. (U.S.), Stouffer Frozen Foods and Lincoln Snacks Company, has joined the firm as a general partner.
Edward Solky has joined Chilton Research Services as research consultant for the Consumer Products Division under the direction of vice president and group manager, William Kramkowski.
James M. Sears has joined Technometrica, Inc., Emerson, N.J., as director of operations and senior advisor for long-term planning.
Dennis Splawski has been named director of customer satisfaction in addition to continuing duties as director of marketing communications, for the Sandoz Crop Protection Business Unit of Des Plaines, Ill.-based Sandoz Agro, Inc.
Marketing Metrics, Paramus, N.J., has appointed Jim Schwartz senior vice president.
Michelle Bogie and Melissa Scharf have joined Alliance Research, Crestview Hills, Ky., (greater Cincinnati) as associate program managers. Missy Krallman has joined Alliance as associate program manager. The company also announced several promotions: Bob Kushner has been promoted to account director of Healthcare Services; Laura Deaton has been promoted to group program manager; Danyne Connell Sherman has been promoted to group manager, software support; and Dave Suedkamp is now vice president of systems and technology.
QualiData Research Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y., has named Merrill Carey as senior associate.
Total Research Corporation, Princeton, N.J., has appointed Patti Hoffman as vice president, director of human resources.
GENESYS Sampling Systems, Fort Washington, Pa., has promoted James Minieri to production coordinator and Janice Woodrow to account executive. In addition, Meg Ryan has joined the company as account manager and David Presloid, Trish Stafford and Karen Vint have joined GENESYS as customer service representatives.
James Fong has joined Action Research, Burlington, Vt., as director of marketing research and planning.
Lizza Moya has joined Miamibased Market Segment Research & Consulting as senior project director.
Rolf Wulfsberg has been appointed president of the New York-based Customer Research Division of Research International.
The Delahaye Group, Inc., an international marketing communications research and consulting firm, has added two staff members. Denise Boyd has joined the firm as business development manager, and Craig Mitchell has been tabbed as a senior communications analyst.
The Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) has elected its new board of directors. The board officers are: chairman David F. Miller, president of Miller Research Group, Inc., Chair-Elect James H. Fouss, president/CEO, Response Analysis Corp., Secretary B.J. McKenzie, president, Market Dimensions; and treasurer-Bruce A. Newman, CFO, Gordon Black Corp. Diane Bowers continues to serve as CASRO's executive director.
Burke Marketing Research, Cincinnati, has made several staff additions: Lori Turner and Kirsten Bech have joined the firm as account associates; Todd McClain has been named assistant controller; the company's Project Services staff has expanded to include Sanserrae Frazier as senior project director, James Cowan and Brad Marsh as project directors, and Wayde Shanks as writing assistant.
Gunilla Broadbent, president of the BAI International division of Behavioral Analysis Inc. (BAI), Tarrytown, N.Y., has been elected national representative in the U.S. for the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR). The United States representative is elected by ISO U.S. members of ESOMAR every two years. In other BAI personnel news, Robert G. Ferguson, vice president, has been named Qualitative Division director. As head of the new division, Ferguson will supervise all the firm's qualitative research. In addition, Robert K. Adams has joined BAI as vice president.