Interviewing Service of America an­nounces the following staff additions/changes: Kimberly Gates has joined as director of field operations. Jeanne Haskell has joined as a CfMC Survent CRT Spec Writer. Alice Strauss has been pro­moted to field coordinator, and Joseph Lierl will be responsible for CRT programming.

Thomas Daniels has joined Rockwood Research, St. Paul, MN, as an account ex­ecutive. Previously he was an investment executive with Paine, Webber, Jackson, and Curtis in Minneapolis.

Judy Beyer has become project man­ager at Westport, Connecticut-based Rudick Research.

Ronald L. Cohn has joined R.H. Bruskin Assoc., New Brunswick, NJ, as vice president, client services. Previ­ously he was vice president, client serv­ices at Market Facts, New York.

Bill Yulman has joined International Communications Research, Media, PA, as an account executive. Previously he was president of Teleservice Research.

Kapuler Marketing Research, Arling­ton Heights, IL, announces the promo­tion of Nancy Fletcher and Ilene Lanin-Kettering to vice president, and Ty Albert to associate vice president.

Wayne Hintze, Ph.D. has joined SDR, Inc., Atlanta, GA, as director of statistical services. Previously he was an instructor at Brigham Young University and a sen­ior project director for the Research and Evaluation Division of the LDS (Mormon) church.

Lisa Becker has joined Rudick Research, Westport, CT, as project manager. Previously, she has held supervisory positions in the marketing divisions of 3M, Europe and Loreal, Boston.

Devon O. Howe joins Overlock Howe Consulting Group as an account supervi­sor. Previously he worked in product management at Ralston Purina Co.

Lee T. Alexander has been promoted to director of marketing and operations of the ConsumerViews division of Cincin­nati-based Burgoyne Information Serv­ices. Previously he was an account ex­ecutive at MARC in Dallas and Walker Research in Indianapolis.

Ronald A. Hoxter has been promoted to senior vice president, Book Publishing and Research of Chilton Company. Pre­viously he was v.p. and general manager of Chilton Research Services. Succeed­ing him in that position is Marjorie Mic­hitti, who has been with Chilton since 1976, serving as study director, account executive, and, since 1982, as v.p. and group manager.

Michael McDonald has joined SDR, Inc., Atlanta, GA, as manager of the newly formed Sampling Services Division. Previously he was with Southeast Telecom, where he assisted in the devel­opment of their sales division.

Leslie R. Chikahisa has been named senior consultant at the West Coast Group, an Irvine, CA-based strategic marketing consulting firm. Previously she was vice president and manager of Security Pa­cific National Bank's Quality Assurance Program for Security Pacific Retail Bank.

Felicia Lassk has been promoted to researcher/account executive at the Orlando, Florida-based Datafax Co. The company also announces the arrival of Allison Taylor, who will be coordinator of qualitative research.

The West Coast Group also named Mary Pat Blake to the position of senior consultant. Previously she was director of product development and marketing, director of established products and marketing, and national marketing man­ager for PepsiCo, Inc.'s Taco Bell Divi­sion.

Nielsen Marketing Research, Northbrook, IL, announces the appointment of Ron Stube as vice president, Trade Serv­ices. Previously he was vice president, director of Trade Relations at SAMI/Burke.

Ellen Cohen, head of the Custom Media Studies Division of Simmons Market Research Bureau Inc., New York, NY, has been given responsibility for the company's newly consolidated media research activities. As such, she has been named president of Simmons' Media Studies Division. Cohen will assume the duties of Kay Wall, who has moved to MRB Group, the parent company of Simmons, to implement the transfer of research products and technologies to other companies of the worldwide group.

Simmons also announces the promo­tion of Warren Dobbs to executive vice president of Simmons Syndicated Divi­sion. Previously he was senior vice presi­dent, heading the Division's Agency/Advertiser unit as general sales manager and manager of the Chicago office.

Myrna Garcia Gross will head the new Spanish-Speaking Research and Telephone Data Collection Division of Albertson, New York-based Sheer Com­munications.

Donald E. Siebert has joined eTc In­stitute, a Kansas City area management consulting and marketing research firm, as executive vice president. Also joining eTc is Clifford B. Tatham, as chief ex­ecutive officer.

Consumer Pulse announces the appoint­ment of Betty Collins as manager of their Charlotte, NC facility intheEastland Mall. Also, Nancy Nichols has been pro­moted to manager of their Milwaukee, Wis. facility at the Grand Avenue Mall.

Stephen J. Cook has joined Custom Research Inc. as senior vice president to head CRI's east coast office in Union, New Jersey. Previously he was vice presi­dent, Copy Testing Services, for SAMI/Burke in Westport, CT.

JRP Marketing Research Services, Inc., a Media, Pennsylvania-based marketing research agency, has named John R. Trumbore as vice president, managing director. Previously he was director of research and corporate planning at Le­wis, Oilman and Kynett.

Karen Beard Hunt has joined Norwalk, Connecticut-based AB Research Associates, Inc., as director of field op­erations.

Anna Marie Sorriso and Linda Gibbs have joined San Diego-based Directions in Research as senior project directors and marketing consultants. Prior to join­ing DIR, Ms. Sorriso was a marketing-manager for San Diego Gas and Electric. Ms. Gibbs was a director of marketing and national product manager with Jo­seph Seagram & Sons.

With the merger of All-Ways Adver­tising Co. and Estelle Swerdlow Inter­viewing Services, Fredda Rossin of All-Ways joins the ESI management team.