Bill Risdon, SRDS district manager, suffered a massive heart attack and passed away on November 3. A resi­dent of New York City, he was 45. Prior to joining SRDS, his career in­cluded 15 years of design, promotion and sales experience with three of McGraw-Hill's leading magazines. Ris­don had been a district manager for SRDS business and consumer publica­tions since March, 1986.

Focus Suites of Philadelphia an­nounces the opening of its new facility. The facility has three private three-room suites, each including a large fo­cus group room, a spacious multi-tiered observation room and a comfortable client lounge with food service and audio/video input. Also available is an observable test kitchen and observable one-on-one room. Toni Gabbe is director.

Opinion Search announces a change of address to 21800 Melrose, Suite 4, Southfield, MI 48075.

Davis, Johnson, Mogul & Colombatto Research Services announces a change of address to 818 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, CA 90017.

Insight Marketing, Inc., announces a change of address to 4519 Cascade, S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506.

Precision Field Services, Inc., an­nounces an expansion into the Atlanta market with the opening of a focus group facility in the Buckhead area. Contact Scott Adleman, Precision Field Services, Inc., 3405 Piedmont Rd., Atlanta, GA 30305.

Todd Winniger has been named su­pervisor, market research, for Hous­ton Lighting & Power Co. He has been with HL&P for five years.

Paul M. Gurwitz, New York City, has started a new firm, Renaissance Re­search & Consulting, specializing in multivariate analysis and modeling of market databases. Gurwitz was for­merly vice president, technical direc­tor, KKB Needham Worldwide, Ad­vertising.

JRP Marketing Services, Inc., has relocated to new facilities at 100 Gran­ite Dr., Terrace Level, Media, PA. The new location houses JRP's execu­tive offices, a newly expanded tele­phone room with computer-assisted WATS system and one of the Philadel­phia area's largest and most compre­hensive qualitative research centers. This includes two focus group rooms, state-of-the-art audio visual recording equipment and client dining facilities.

Joining ASI Market Research is Susan Haas as vice president and manager of the company's new Chicago office. She was formerly vice president and head of the Chicago office of McCullum/Spielman Research.

Jane Abele has been promoted from manager to director of market research at Riverside Methodist Hospital, Co­lumbus, OH. Prior to joining River­side, she was associated with an envi­ronmental research firm.

Robert K. Adams has recently joined Chilton Research Services, Radnor, PA, as account executive. Adams was formerly a project manager in the research division of Bell Atlantic.

James J. Granger, a former vice president of Burke Marketing Research, Cincinnati, has been appointed executive vice president at the Wirthlin Group's new office in New York City. He will be the chief liaison between the McLean, VA, based research firm and Hill & Knowlton.

Project Research, Inc., has moved to new facilities at University Technol­ogy Center, 1313 Fifth St., S.E., Min­neapolis, MN 55414.

Rockwood Research, St. Paul, MN, announces the addition of two individ­uals to the company staff: Carol Jubert, market research analyst and Linda Walker, coding supervisor. Jubert is completing her masters in agri­culture at the University of Minnesota and will receive a degree in technical communciations. Walker will head the company's coding and editing depart­ment. She was formerly with Norwest Technical Service.

Simmons Market Research Bureau, Inc., has moved to 380 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017.

Find/SVP, Inc., announces a change of address to: 625 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10011.

Debra E. Picker has been promoted to senior research analyst from re­search analyst at BBDO Chicago. She is assigned to the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Jacobs Suchard/Brack, Inc., and Bally Mfg. Co. accounts.

Emmons M. Patzer has been pro­moted to director, marketing research for Bristol-Myers U.S. Pharmaceuti­cal and Nutritional Group headquar­tered in Evansville, IN. Patzer joined the company in 1981 as a business in­tern. His most recent position was manager, marketing and sales infor­mation services.

Sandra M. Krause has been pro­moted to account executive from client service executive for Nielsen Televi­sion Index, a service of Nielsen Media Research, Los Angeles. Krause began her career in 1982 as a member of the NTI data applications department in Menlo, CA.

Harry Benjamin has been appointed director of marketing research for the TrendFacts research division of the Creative Group, Inc., Farmington Hills, MI, marketing consulting and research organization.

Information Resources, Inc., has an­nounced recent appointments to its senior management staff: Celeste Cohee, vice president, account manage­ment, national accounts; John Larkin, vice president, PromotionS-can product management; Scott Sloan, senior vice president, InfoScan product management; and, John Mc­Donald, vice president national ac­counts group.

Western International Research, Los Angeles, has promoted Jay Tanzman to manager, marketing research and Frances Click to project director. Elena Morales, previously with Ogilvy & Mather, has joined the firm as project director.

Patricia Heakin Dyson has joined Heakin Research, Inc., Homewood, IL, as senior vice president, business development. She joins Heakin after 11 years at Grey Advertising, New York, where she was vice president, group management supervisor on the General Foods account.

Walker Research, Inc., Indianapolis, announces that Judy De Voe has joined its research and analysis divi­sion as account executive. She was formerly a senior research analyst with Kraft, Inc., in Chicago.

Andrew Yaffee has joined Simmons Custom Media Studies, New York City, as vice president. His responsi­bilities will include the development and management of all newspaper re­search - advertising, editorial, circula­tion and strategic market studies. He joins the firm from Oxtoby-Smith where he was a vice president.

Shockley Research, Inc., Nashville, and Marketing Research Institute, Jackson, MS, have announced a mer­ger. The new firm will offer to its clients an exclusive national database called "P-Base." P-Base provides ad­ditional information to clients and al­lows a comparison of the client's study or survey data with national or re­gional figures.

Debby Zanglin, vice president of qualitative research, SAMI/Burke, Inc., Cincinnati, was elected president of the Marketing Research Assn. (MRA) and inducted at the organiza­tion's annual conference, held recently at the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco.

C.J. Olson Market Research, Inc., announces a change of address to: Thresher Square, 708 South 3rd St., Suite 105, Minneapolis, MN 55415.

James M. Stanton has joined Experi­ence, Inc., Minneapolis, as a senior consultant. Stanton was previously vice president of operations, oversee­ing six manufacturing plants produc­ing resins, oils and chemicals at Spen­cer Kellog-Textron, Buffalo, NY. He was also in charge of international sales and licensing.

Project Research, Inc., Minneapolis, announces three promotions: Lynn Nadeau to account director; Kathy Hoefer to data processing manager and, Cyndi Uhrich to office manager. Diane Schember, formerly with the Sween Corp., and Cory Waterhouse, formerly with Winona MRB, have both joined the firm as project direc­tors.

Barbara Wagner has joined Elrick & Lavidge, Chicago, as an account di­rector, responsible for overseeing studies primarily in the consumer area. She was formerly with Goldring & Co., several advertising agencies and Heakin Research.

Karla Spormann, manager of Print Market Development of Standard Rate & Data Service, Inc., has been pro­moted to director of editorial/product development. She will be responsible for the development of new print prod­ucts, editorial enhancements and the administration of the editorial depart­ment.

The Keckley Group, Nashville, an­nounces the promotion of Ray Sul­livan to research consultant.

Research International, the recently acquired research subsidiary of Ogilvy Group, has elected chief exec­utive lan Hunt to the Ogilvy board. Hunt will remain in RI's London head­quarters.

Elrick & Lavidge, Inc., Chicago, has appointed Ann Rosenbaum vice pres­ident financial services research and Michelle Griffith vice president oper­ations in its Chicago headquarters. Ro­senbaum joined E&L in 1986, as di­rector of financial services. She previously held positions with Price and Waterhouse, First National Bank of Chicago and Chase Econometrics. Griffith directs operations of the data processing, field and coding and office services departments. She joined E&L in 1973.

Dun & Bradstreet's Nielsen Marketing Research subsidiary recently signed a joint-venture agreement with the 10th largest marketing research company in the U.S., the NPD Group. The pact forms a new company, NPD/Nielsen, Inc. NPD executives will head the company but D&B will own it.

Nielsen Marketing Research has ap­pointed Stephen H. Zades to vice president, regional sales manager, New York City. Before joining Majers, Zades spent six years with Procter & Gamble.

Directory Data, a division of Survey Sampling, Inc., Fairfield, CT, an­nounces the addition of Matthew Cone to its sales department. He was previously an account representative with 3M Media Services in Stamford, CT, handling the company's on-line and software products.

Greg Ebershol has joined Campbell Mithun Advertising, Minneapolis, as research account executive. He was previously with Colle McVoy Adver­tising, Minneapolis.

The Barna Research Group, Glendale, CA, has added two new research ana­lysts to its staff, Billie Gaughan and Ron Sellers. Gaughan was formerly vice president of Peter D. Hart Re­search Associates in Washington, D.C. Sellers comes to BRG with seven years of experience in radio, television and print media.