Maritz Marketing Research Inc. has announced that Dr. Jim Herman has joined the company's St. Louis Full Service Division as a research manager. Herman was formerly an associate professor at Washington University.

Quality Controlled Services has announced the appointment of Joyce Lancaster and Roger Mayland as vice presidents. Lancaster, a 13 year-veteran of the company, has management responsibility for field service operations in the Southern and Eastern U.S. Mayland, who has been with the company since 1982, has field service management responsibilities in the Northern and Western U.S.

Burgoyne, Inc., announces a change in its corporate name to Burgoyne Information Services. Burgoyne's new corporate headquarters are now at One Centennial Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-1909.

Susan Rynn has been promoted to research director, Association of Independent Television Stations, Washington, D.C., from manager of research, USA Network.

Opinion Research Corp. has announced two promotions at their Princeton, NJ office: Ellen M. Saxon, to research director from research associate and Sherry Pollack Burford to research executive from research director. In ORC's Chicago office, Michael A. Zicha has been promoted to research director from research associate. The organizational research group has expanded to ORC's Chicago office and will be headed by Dr. Ilene Gochman.

Rick Rinzler has been promoted to research account executive, from senior project director, Research 100, Princeton, NJ. Theresa Wrobel joins Research 100 as senior project director. She was formerly manager of market research, United Jersey Banks.

Ronald A. Hoxter has been named vice president/director of Chilton Research Services, Radnor, PA.

Herbert Weinberger has been named vice president of O-Xicro-N, NY, from vice president, corporate research director, Selling-Areas Marketing, NY.

Kenneth A. Fox, formerly associate director, market research, Beatrice/ Hunt Wesson, Fullerton, CA, has been named director of market research, NutraSweet Co., Skokie, IL.

Winona Research, Inc., announces a| change in its corporate name and location in Arizona. The company's new name is Winona Market Research Bureau, Inc. (Winona MRB, Inc.) It is located at 8800 North 22nd Ave.. Phoenix, AZ 85021-4258.

Lisa Freedman, formerly project director of Arbitron Ratings, Laurel, MD office, has been named manager, marketing research services.

Nancy Gildin, Custom Research, Minneapolis, has been promoted to director, marketing services, from account manager. Jackie Mettingly has joined CR as senior account director. She was formerly assistant marketing research manager, General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis.

Cherie Bann has joined Dain Bosworth, Inc., as marketing information manager. She was  previously with General Mills Inc., Minneapolis.