Victor Matera has been promoted to director of marketing research for Hilton Nevada Corp.
William J. Burke has been promoted to corporate vice president of Fitch RichardsonSmith, Worthington, OH. He is head of the company's market strategy & research group.
Total Research, Princeton, NJ, announces the following staff additions/changes: Paul Prekopa has joined the firm as a senior research analyst. Previously, he was project director at Brown, Koff & Fried, a New York City market research firm. Joanne Mechling has also joined the firm as a senior research analyst. Previously, she was project director at The Data Group, Inc. Plymouth Meeting, PA. John Morton has been promoted to senior vice president, director of advanced statistical research. Lisa Marie Howell has been promoted to senior research analyst.
James Storbeck has joined Catherine Bryant & Associates, Clemmons, NC, as project director. Julie Giese has joined the firm as a research assistant. Rita Lewis has been promoted to lead interviewer.
Shirley Black has joined Field Research Corp., San Francisco, as a research director. Previously, she was vice president at the Research Spectrum. Also, John Taggart has joined FRC as systems/operations manager.
Stanley Arasim has joined Wilmington, DE-based Franklin/Lake as vice president of marketing research services. Previously, he was with ICI Americas.
Linda S. Hayes has joined Thomas Dunker & Associates, San Francisco, as project manager. Previously, she was a marketing research consultant at Addison Design Consultants, San Francisco.
Ardith (Art) Rivel has joined Christensen & Associates, Scottsdale, AZ, as a senior vice president. Previously, he was senior vice president for Yankelovich Clancy Shulman.
Patrick M. Baldasare, president and CEO of The Response Center, Philadelphia, has been named Entrepreneur of the Year in the Service Sector by the Philadelphia Commercial Development Corporation.
John Glazier has been named senior account manager at the new San Francisco office of Maritz Marketing Research. Previously, he was director of sales and marketing with Sales Resources Co.
Sharon Lewis has joined Wolf/Altschul/Callahan Inc., New York City, as a project director. Previously, she was an analyst at Shifrin Research.
Steve Seidmon has joined Decision Research Corp., the market research division of Temple, Barker & Sloane, Inc. Lexington, MA, as research consultant and director of DRC's Entertainment Division. Previously, he was vice president for research at MTV Networks.
Doran J. Levy, Ph.D., has joined Minneapolis-based Strategic Directions Group, Inc. as executive vice president. Previously, he was president of Market Structure Research, Inc.
Michael A. Hardin has been promoted to senior vice president-general manager for Elrick and Lavidge, Inc. the marketing research company of Equifax Inc. In addition, Raymond N. Beard, Larry G. Gulledge, and Roger L. Bacik have been promoted to senior vice president.
Nielsen Marketing Research, Chicago, has promoted to following: Michael Spindler to vice president, national client sales and service; Ed Case to vice president-director of retailer services. In addition, Tom Richardson has joined Nielsen as vice president-manager of retail information applications. Previously, he was with Jewel Foods and SuperValu. Wayne Levy has joined as vice president-director of product development. Nielsen also announces the promotion of George Ackerson, formerly Nielsen client services manager, to executive vice president, national sales, for Logistics Data Systems, a company acquired by Nielsen in December of 1988.