Americans earning unemployment 

Thirteen percent of U.S. adults are staying out of the labor force due to earning enough on unemployment according to a survey conducted by Morning Consult. Other reasons for turning down job offers include child care obligations (14%), COVID-19-related concerns (13%), health/medical limitations (13) and not being given enough money to return to work (12%).  

Over half of unemployment recipients say their prior income was better at covering expenses than unemployment benefits. Thirty-five percent of all unemployment recipients feel a lot of pressure to find a job. 

The research was conducted June 22-25, 2021. Read more. 

Pandemic grads optimistic about future

Outlook among recent college graduates remains positive, with 74% reporting they feel hopeful about the future according to a U.S. survey by Experian. Fifty percent feel financially secure and confident in their major or degree. 

Respondents report the leading sources of financial stress are running out of emergency savings (34%); not having a high enough credit score to get a credit card or loan (30%); and seeing their parents struggling to make ends meet (29%). How are grads easing financial strain? To improve credit scores, 46% of respondents are keeping tabs on their scores more often. Thirty percent moved in with their parents during the pandemic and about a third (31%) returned to their hometowns seeking more affordable rent. 

Read more.

Artists disrupted by COVID

Artists around the world have been forced to pivot during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a report published by the Arts Council, 90% of artists surveyed report being impacted by cancelled or postponed public events. Nearly half (44%) report having access to a fixed workplace disrupted and only about one-fourth report receiving some form of rent relief. 

Forty-eight percent of artists polled report they had personally invested financially into the development of work that has now been cancelled or postponed. That said, over half of artists report being able to plan and research for future activities or having some opportunity to create and develop work. 

The research was conducted April 3-13, 2021. Read more. 

Return to on-site work 

In a survey conducted by Digital, 39% of small business owners report that all employees must return to on-site work full-time after the pandemic. When sharing reasons why, nearly half of respondents say most job functions could only be performed in-person, 45% cite better interactions with clients and 40% say employees were more productive on-site.

Four in 10 employers surveyed want all employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before returning to their workplace. Only 35% of employers who are implementing a hybrid work structure are requiring that employees get vaccinated. 

The research was conducted April 7-8, 2021. Read more.