Software program creates customer surveys

Insync Corporation has introduced the Customer Manager, a PC-based software package of four surveys designed to make it easy for organizations to track levels of customer service and satisfaction. The four surveys are: an internal survey to gauge employees' perceptions of how to maximize customer service/satisfaction, a survey for customers of product-ori­ented businesses, a survey for customers of service-oriented businesses, and a sur­vey designed to determine why former customers were lost. The program allows users to customize these surveys and also has the ability to develop surveys from scratch. For more information, contact Mike Dulworth at Insync Corp., 2100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Ste. 765, Washington, D.C., 20037-3202.

Newsletter on European markets

Market: Europe is a new monthly newsletter designed to provide information about the demographics and lifestyles of European consumers. For more information contact Doris Walsh at W-Two Publications, Ltd., 202 The Commons, Ste. 410, Ithaca, NY, 14850.

Book profiles U.S. Hispanic population

The demographic, political, economic, social and cultural impact of the burgeoning U.S. Hispanic population is portrayed in the Statistical Handbook on U.S. Hispanics, published by the Oryx Press. The selection of recent statistical data was collected from various divisions of the U.S. Bureau of Census, other government agencies, and private organizations, and compiled into one volume. Contents include details on demographics, immigration and naturalization, social characteristics, education, health, politics, labor force, and economic conditions. The Handbook is scheduled for publication in January, 1991. For more information, contact the Oryx Press at 4041 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ, 85012-3397.

New guide details European business information sources

Euromonitor has published a new business directory aimed at anyone researching the European market for products and services. The European Directory of Business Information Libraries provides a detailed guide to the top 500 business information services in Europe, from national and public libraries, chambers of commerce, to embassies and trade associations. Each entry contains information for locating and choosing business information services: stock details and special subject areas, library services, contact name, opening times, and accessibility. Contact Euromonitor, 87-88 Turnmill St., London, EC1M 5QU, England.