Marketing software

NDS announces MarketPac, a comprehensive package of consumer, demographic and business marketing information that can be ordered on diskette or printed form or both. MarketPac provides fully integrated marketing data with over 100 distinct variables. All MarketPac data is updated annually. There are two MarketPacs: National MarketPac for national analysis, includes over 100 variables for all ADIs, DMAs, SMSAs and states. Metro MarketPac provides the same variables for smaller area analysis for every zip code in the SMSA selected.

First-aid study

The first-aid products, now approximately $650 million at retail, will reach a level of more than $1 billion by 1994, according to a new study by Packaged Facts. The study, "The First Aid Products Market," contains separate sections on both the overall market and the major types of first-aid products. It covers consumer usage, the situation at retail (including pricing and margins), market size and growth, future market growth, the competitive situation, and advertising and promotion. Also included are profiles of the major markets. Contact Packaged Facts, 274 Madison Ave., NY NY 10016.

Presentation software

SPSS announces new versions of SPSS/PC+ ™ and its options for the IBM Personal System/21". These data analysis and presentation software packages are available on 3.5-inch media and the company will continue to sell its products on 5.25-inch media as well. Also, Data Entry II is a stand-alone product that permits the user to enter data, verify the accuracy of the data, and edit data files according to user specifications. It reads and writes ASCII files as well as those for dBASE II™, dBASE III™, Lotus 1-2-3™, Symphony™, Multiplan™, SPSS/PC'™ and SPSS-X™. Contact SPSS Inc., 444 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago IL 60611.

On-line identification system

QuickLIST, an on-line direct-marketing identification system, is available through Standard Rate & Data Service, Inc. This new list discovery tool of 10,000 up-to-date mailing lists and 80,000 list segments has been developed by SRDS and CCX.

Network, Inc. QuickLIST is capable of accessing mailing list options through usage of the keyword search capabilities. QuickLIST's database is updated on a bi-weekly basis and compiled without bias. Free inclusion in the database is available to all list owners and their agents.

Forecasting system

Managers in need of generating budget, sales and inventory forecasts utilizing well-established forecasting approaches will find them-selves producing better and more reliable forecasts with the new release of 4CaST/2, a comprehensive graphical forecasting system, claims Core Analytic, Inc. Designed for the nonstatistical practitioner, the 4CaST/2 (Version 1.1) package has a built-in editor to customize ASCII files for mainframe up or downloads and translates popular formats as well. Contact Core Analytic, Inc., 674 R. 202-206 North, Bridgewater NJ 08807.

Mailing list program

Arc Tangent, Inc., announces ArcList, a mailing list management program written for the IBM XT/AT/ 386 and compatible computers. ArcList allows a user to catch near-duplicate records, invalid zip codes and incorrect state abbreviations. It can manage lists of up to 20 million names, print any label, and do carrier route, five-digit, and Zip +4 postal presorting for all classes of mail. Contact Arc Tangent, Inc., 923 Olive St., P.O. Box 2009, Santa Barbara CA 93120.

Food, beverage study

Both Volume I and Volume II of the 1987 MENU FACTS™ are now available for immediate delivery. MENU-FACTS™ is a comprehensive, easy-to-use desk-top reference on food and beverage consumption, in-home and away-from-home in the U.S.