Evan Tweed has been named associate publisher of Quirk's Marketing Research Review. He will retain the title of advertising sales manager.

ACNielsen Corporation, Stamford, Conn., posted higher earnings in the first quarter, as the company continued its growth in the U.S. and improved its operating efficiency in Europe and Asia Pacific. Income, before the cumulative effect of an accounting change, reached $6.0 million, or $0.10 per diluted share, up from $1.8 million, or $0.03 per share, in the prior year. The 1999 results include a negative impact of $0.0 1 per share from foreign currency translation. Reported revenue increased 8.6 percent, to $354.0 million, reflectingcontinued growth in the U.S. and the addition of ACNielsen BASES, which was acquired at the end of last year's second quarter. With all regions delivering improved profits, reported operating income reached $7.4 million, up from $0.2 million in 1998. Currentyear results include $1.4 million in negative foreign currency translation impacts, as well as $3.8 million in Year 2000 software modification costs, up from $3.3 million in the prior year.

Winners of the Advertising Research Foundation's 1998 David Ogilvy Research Awards were announced at the ARF's annual conference in New York in March. The awards recognize the most effective use of research for developing successful advertising campaigns. The Steel Alliance (Washington, D.C.), GSD&M (Austin, Texas), and Wirthlin Worldwide (Orem, Utah) won the David Ogilvy Research Trophy for the best example of research contributing to its advertising campaign, "The New Steel. Feel the Strength."

Two Gold Medallion winners were announced:

Chevrolet Motors research team (Detroit, Mich.), Campbell-Ewald Advertising (Warren, Mich.), and Cultural Dynamics (Westport, Conn.), for its "Chevrolet Venture Let's Go" campaign;

Colgate Palmolive Company (New York), Young & Rubicam (New York) and ICON (New York), for the "Colgate Total Toothpaste Brushing" campaign.

Four Bronze medallions were awarded to the following teams: Frito Lay (Plano, Texas), Dieste & Partners (Dallas), and Market Segment Research (Coral Gables, Fla.), for "Doritos/Subor a Todo Volumen";

Kraft (Glenview, Ill.), Foote Cone & Belding (Chicago), ACNielsen (Deerfield, Ill.), Millward Brown (Naperville, Ill.), and SMI Alcott (Chicago), for "Digiorno Rising Crust Pizza";

Lee Company (Shawnee Mission, Kan.), and Fallon McElligott (Minneapolis), for "Lee Dungarees Buddy Lee";

Shell Oil Company (Houston), Ogilvy & Mather (Houston), Cambridge Reports/Research International (Cambridge, Mass.), and The BRS Group, Inc. (Mill Valley, Calif.), for the "Count on Shell" campmgn.

Five Silver medallions were given to the following groups for campaigns that displayed excellence in their use of research for the various phases of campaign development:

Campbell Soup (Camden, N.J.), and ACNielsen Bases (Parsippany, N.J.) for their "V8 Splash Introductory" campaign (in the "Shaping Strategy" category);

Key Bank (Cleveland), and The Lord Group (New York), for "Key Small Business" campaign (in the "Development of an Execution" category);

Kraft Foods (Glenview, Ill.), Leo Burnett (Chicago), and Loran Marketing (Chicago), for Velveeta Cheese Loaf-Chili DipRecipe
"Meltin' Love" (also in the "Development of an Execution" category);

Johnson & Johnson Personal Products Company (Skillman, N.J.), McCann-Erickson (New York), and Bruno & Ridgway Research Associates, Inc. (Lawrenceville. N.J.). for the Monistat campaign (in the "Pretesting" category);

Kraft Foods (Glenview, Ill.), Ogilvy & Mather (Chicago), and ACNielsen (Deerfield. IlL). for the Shake N' Bake 1998 Kids campaign (in the "Guiding Media Exposure" category).

The David Ogilvy Awards are sponsored by the ARF in cooperation with the Association of National Advertisers and the American Association of Advertising Agencies.

The Center for Marketing and Technology at the University of California, Berkeley. announced its formation and objectives for 1999. As an academic organization established to study the increasing impact of marketing on technology and technology on the practice of marketing, the Center's central objective is to address the issues that occur at the interface between these disciplines. The Center intends to bring together both realworld industry practitioners with expert academic researchers worldwide to address the new dynamics between these two disciplines. "Marketing and technology are becoming linked as never before and the Center aims to confront the cutting-edge issues affecting today's industries by bringing together both providers and users of technology," says Rashi Glazer. co-director of the Center for Marketing and Technology and professor at the Haas School of Business. "Our goal is to help businesses. more of whom now consider themselves in some way to be technologically related. in acquiring the research tools to negotiate the next millennium." To fund its research initiatives and services. the Center is seeking to attract leading firms, both big and small, domestic and international to become Sponsor Members. Sponsor Members already committed include: Audits & Surveys Worldwide, Carlson Leisure & Travel, Cellular One, Driscoll's Strawberry Associates, IBM. RBI Communications Inc., Round Table Pizza, SBC Communications Inc., United Parcel Service, Visa U.S.A., and Young & Rubicam Inc. The Center's Member Sponsors al1hold Board Member positions and help govern and shape the Center's focus. Some initial research projects funded by the Center for 1999 will include: building brand awareness, image and equity on the Internet; creating a competitive edge in hightech or e-commerce environments; and developing better methods to forecast the success of a product in a technology-based market. The results of these studies will be available first to Sponsor Members and eventually to the entire academic and business communities.

Delphi Market Research, Inc., has moved to 2 - 6 River St., Medford, Mass.

Eagle Research has moved its Denver facility to 14818 W. Sixth Ave., Denver, Colo.

NFO Worldwide, Inc., a Greenwich, Conn., research firm, reported its results for the fourth quarter and twelve months ended December 31, 1998. Revenues for the fourth quarter increased by 83 percent to $94.6 million from $51.8 million for the same period last year. Operating income was up 64 percent to $10.4 million from $6.4 million. As a result of increased interest expense associated with acquisition-related borrowings and a higher effective tax rate, net income increased 20 percent to $5.1 million from $4.2 million. Diluted earnings per share rose by 15 percent to $0.23 per share from $0.20 last year. The fourth quarter's results include for the first time the results of Infratest Burke, which was acquired on November 20, 1998. For the 12 months ended December 31, 1998 revenues increased by 45 percent to $275.4 million from $190.2 million in the same period last year. Operating income increased by 26 percent to $29.3 million. Net income for the year climbed by 16 percent to $ 14.5 million from $12.5 million a year ago, while diluted earnings per share increased by 12 percent to $0.67 from $0.60.

Moskowitz Jacobs Inc., a White Plains. N.Y., research firm, has leamed up with BroadBand agency, Inc., a relationship - branding agency, to create the Brand/Customer Learning Network. designed to help companies learn from and collaborate with their customers using interactive networks of customers.

National Decision Systems (NDS), San Diego, announced that CB Richard Ellis has signed a multiyear agreement for NOS' market anaiysis software, imark. In separate news, NOS announced that Federated Department Stores. Inc., has signed an agreement with NOS for its customer and market analysis software and data.

Food Perspectives, a Plymouth, Minn., consumer testing and product development finn serving the food industry, has added a new consumer test site to its headquarters.

ASECOM Latin America has moved to new offices at Av. Belgrano 1255,1093 Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Market Segment Group, a Miami research firm, has a new Web site at ww.marketsegment.com.

Digital Marketing Services, a Dallas, Texas, research firm, has renewed and expanded the scope of four charter partnerships formed to conduct on-line custom market research through America Online. The firm has renewed agreements with Norwalk, Conn.-based IpsosASI Market Research: Minneapolis-based Custom Research Inc.; Irving, Texas-based M/A/R/C Research; and New York-based Roper Starch Worldwide.

Langer Associates, a New York research firm celebrating its 20th anniversary, has launched a Web site.

Fuller Research Services, Portsmouth, Va., has changed its name to Fuller Insight. Inc.

ACNielsen Corp., Stamford, Conn., has formed a new operating unit. ACNielsen Media International to combine into one global organization the company's television audience measurement. advertising expenditure measurement, readership, and other media services. Steven Yung. currently managing director of ACNielsen North Asia. has been named the new unit's president.

The Arbitron Company has chosen U.K.-based Pulse Train Technology's software systems for its Radio Market Reporting system in the U.S. and around the world. Arbitron has acquired a number of customized Pulse Train software modules and is adopting STAR, Pulse Train's professional batch tabulation system, as the underlying engine for its radio diary tabulation. As part of the agreement, lain MacKay. Pulse Train's technical director, is joining Arbitron as director of U.K. development and strategic planning.

In separate news, software supplier ATP has upgraded its table formatting package, WINYAPS, to provide support for Pulse Train's STAR for Windows.

FIND/SVP, a New York research firm, has announced two initiatives aimed at attracting business-to-business and general consumers to use its services. For the business-to-business market, the firm will place banners on business- and research-oriented Web sites that will funnel visitors who need personalized information location help to the FIND/SVP site, where they will be able to pose a question and receive a customized answer from a consultant for a fixed price under $250. For the consumer market, the company plans to place "Ask a Question" icons on Web sites that will enable consumers to ask questions about a specific area and receive free customized answers.