Leverage secondary sources of information

Editor's Note: The University of Georgia and MRII held a webinar on January 31, 2019 on leveraging secondary data and it's importance. Duration 60:00. 

Historically, market research has mostly relied on data designed and collected by the researcher to meet the needs of individual studies. 

Secondary data has always had an important role but the importance has increased dramatically over the last two decades.

Secondary data isn’t necessarily new. Syndicated sales data and publicly available data from government, university and industry sources have been around for decades. But the sources and types of secondary information – mostly digital – have increased exponentially.

This explosion of secondary data sources and types in the context of still-relevant traditional market research approaches poses two challenges: maintaining awareness and familiarity; and fitting the different pieces together to better generate insight and inform decisions.

Join Jeffrey Hunter, retired senior director General Mills and member of the board of MRII to learn more about how to leverage secondary sources of information and about a new course available online from MRII / University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education – “Working with Secondary Data." 

Key takeaways:

  1. A list/brief descriptions of secondary data sources and types.
  2. Seven information trends.
  3. Mini case studies that bring to life the ways that different data sources can come together to improve information outcomes.


  • Jeffrey Hunter, retired senior director General Mills and member of the board of MRII.
