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Cultural intelligence platform

Discover insights on American consumers across race, ethnicity, generation, sexual identity, gender and family makeup through Collage Group’s world-class cultural intelligence platform. With the industry-leading method to assess how your brand and advertisements rank among diverse consumers, along with 70 million data points, 300+ studies and new data shared -- three-to-four times per month, you’ll be the first to visualize critical insights, get direct answers, win your target market and so much more.

Collage Group website showing a family photo under the Essentials of Hispanic Consumers page.

Collage Group’s approach to understanding America’s cultural transformation is essential to your brand’s success. We curate an unrivaled set of insights into diverse America through key platform elements like our CultureRate:Brand and ad rating system, consumer essentials research, Instant Insights and more. You’ll dive deep into what works and what doesn’t for engaging the attitudes, behaviors and values of diverse consumer segments.

Our platform enables us to continuously engage with America’s top brands, align with their top priorities, discern their most-leveraged areas of research and develop the innovations that matter most to their success.

Unleash the power of culture to drive brand growth and find answers in our insights on America’s diverse consumers with the tools and cultural intelligence trusted by more than 250 of the world’s leading brands.
