Harmon Research

Joey Harmon and Stephanie Vincent

Joey Harmon and Stephanie Vincent of Harmon Research.

Joey’s industry journey spans three decades, starting as a telephone interviewer and ascending through various roles at a full-service research agency. In 2000, he founded one of the world’s largest data collection companies. Stephanie began in 2003, rapidly advancing in positions of increasing responsibility, earning a master’s degree in marketing along the way. After holding key roles at multinational companies, she reunited with Joey at Harmon Research as head of marketing. With Harmon’s rapid growth and Stephanie’s extensive experience, her responsibilities expanded to include panel management and operations. Both prioritize quality at Harmon Research, recognizing the impact of fraudulent responses and the ChatGPT revolution. They implemented DataDefense, a robust quality-assurance program that reviews data throughout the survey process. Safeguards like cut-and-paste blocking, IP geo-checks and open-end review by live personnel ensure the highest-quality data for clients.

Supported by a talented development team, Harmon Research continuously evolves to combat fraudulent responders and enhance quality checks. Joey and Stephanie’s leadership and commitment to excellence have positioned Harmon Research as a trusted industry partner. Their innovative approach and unwavering dedication deliver exceptional insights and drive client success in the ever-changing research landscape.


