Mind the Gap: Elevating In-House Research

Editor's note: The J.M. Smucker Company re-presented their session from The Quirk's Event - Global as part of Wisdom Wednesday on November 16, 2022. The webinar was on elevating in-house research.

With a background in R&D and years of experience in product design, innovation and product development, I have a unique perspective on the importance of delivering meaningful insights. I’ve witnessed (and personally experienced), a wide range of attitudes towards consumer research. Some companies use research for important, strategic decision-making, some use it merely to check some boxes, and some have not yet been dazzled by consumer research enough to know it can make a difference.

Now that hands-on research has become even more accessible to the corporate researcher, we’re being called to be both in the weeds and 30,000 feet high, toggling between skill sets.

I’d like to share some techniques that I have used to obtain credibility and better communicate my insights, therefore elevating the value of in-house research.

Key takeaways:

  1. Learn to make simple, impactful visuals to share your data and insights (sharing resources and ideas).
  2. Learn to convey clarity with your slides by using story-telling techniques (sharing practices).
  3. Embrace the importance of feedback to develop more audience-centric presentations (sharing ideas and ways to obtain feedback).


  • Heidi Carrion, senior scientist, products research, consumer foods R&D, The J.M. Smucker Company.
