Editor’s note: Jason Horine is vice president, online qualitative services at marketing research firm Schlesinger Associates, Iselin, N.J.

Real-time online qualitative methodologies don’t have much mystery to them and for the most part were designed to replicate traditional in-person qualitative research. Apart from quick-turn projects or new research methodologies requiring quant-level sample sizes, recruiting for online qual interviews or groups isn’t much different than recruiting for research taking place at a facility.

It’s the asynchronous methodologies that allow for the most creativity in recruiting approach, which can also introduce the most risk if not handled properly. With such a variety of technologies, methodologies and platforms, ensuring the proper recruitment approach is essential.

The following are seven key elements to consider for your next asynchronous online qualitative study.

1. Know where your respondents are coming from.

An online panel source may be the most inexpensive option but if you’re conducting qualitative research, it is highly recommended to use qualitative panel respondents. Pricing from most qualitative panels has become much more competitive for asynchronous online qual and with much less risk to quality.

2. Understand the recruitment approach.

Most online qualitative projects combine a Web recruit with telephone confirmations and validations. Traditional phone-only recruitment fails to consider the online space where respondents are participating, while a Web-only recruitment approach can’t always capture what humans can. Additionally, if your project requires video collection, always use a recruiter who can screen with video validation.

3. Screen for technology and tasks.

Different methodologies require different technological savviness and comfort levels from respondents. A good screener will always include a battery of questions designed to ensure participants are truly willing and able to engage in the methodology involved and a good recruiter will always use the telephone validation phase to ensure the respondent fully understands the commitment.

4. Discuss over recruitment.

Have a conversation with your recruiter about over-recruitment on every project. With so many variables – methodology, duration, sample size, time commitment, tasks/activities required, incentive amounts, recruitment approach – it can be difficult to calculate just how many to over-recruit. Make sure your recruiter has given this sufficient thought during feasibility consultation.

5. Pay appropriate incentive amounts.

Incentives and over-recruitment are directly correlated and just as with the over- recruitment considerations, all the variables involved will impact what makes an appropriate incentive. It is important to remember that asynchronous online qual is not a quant survey; incentives should be consistent with qualitative research.

6. Use the appropriate platform.

Before agreeing to any license with a platform provider, make sure you’ve done your homework to know what all the options are. There are a lot of them! And a project’s size and scope, or even just the budget, may dictate which is most suitable. Considerations include group discussion engagement vs. digital ethnography, video-heavy research vs. text-based responses, multi-platform tasks vs. mobile qual and more. Do your research or talk to a recruitment company who can give you the right guidance without bias.

7. Consider international implications.

Certain cultural norms and local infrastructure may make some methodologies impossible in a given international market, while limited access to desktop computers may hinder participation capabilities in others. Some platforms allow you to segment by language, while others require unique URLs for each. Be sure to speak to your recruiter about what makes the most sense from all the angles when building your global asynchronous online qual project.