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InterQ Learning Labs

Founders: Joanna Jones and Dr. Karen Seratti

InterQ Learning Labs is a qualitative research training company. Founded by Dr. Karen Seratti and Joanna Jones, the company offers 100% in-person training and teaches research in-context. The driving philosophy behind InterQ Learning Labs is that research is contextual, so it should be taught in context. This means taking students to the various places research can be conducted in (more casual spaces for tech/younger audiences, like WeWork; and formal spaces for B2B/highly confidential research – focus group facilities). All the in-person workshops are taught at these spaces and participants learn how to set up studies and use the latest research technology as they’re learning foundational skills.

In addition to teaching foundational market research skills that include moderating and report writing, InterQ Learning Labs brings in renowned instructors who are leaders in their fields to teach classes. On the lineup for 2022/23 are classes that include social listening, UX, online research and multicultural research.
