Isaac Rogers, CEO

20|20 Research



What role do you think automation plays in research?

Automation of processes in MR is undoubtedly a positive evolution. It’s given us the ability to offer more solutions, because workflows have become faster, simpler and more cost-effective. Automation allows our industry to streamline and “productize” our offerings, enabling us to help more brands and marketers with their common business problems. By making research simpler, we’re opening ourselves up to new markets and finding opportunities to service smaller brands and marketers that previously considered MR out of their league due to cost, time or complexity. This net effect of automation is the real “next big thing” – as insights become easier to buy and consume, research becomes accessible to a wider audience. 

David Agius, Founder/President

The Sentry Marketing Group



Can I use social media reviews in place of my mystery shopping program? 

No. While social media has a place in an overall guest experience measurement strategy, it’s the least-structured form of guest feedback and the hardest to derive actionable data from. A well-designed and -executed mystery shopping program will deliver reports that measure your team’s performance against your standards. Because mystery shoppers prepare for their assignment by reviewing your standards, they’re able to report on revenue-impacting items like the effort to suggestively sell add-on items or the accuracy of a receipt/guest check. It’s unlikely that any customer on the receiving end of getting anything for free is going to post about it on social media. 

Nancy Hernon, CEO

G3 Translate



What is the importance of culturally adapting surveys for target markets?

When conducting a survey in multiple markets, the questionnaire designer often tends to overlook the cultural relevancy of the content. Questions regarding income, education, brands or sentiment may need to be expressed differently in each market. Foreign-language surveys should both reflect the nuance of the original text and be culturally suitable, rather than offer literal word-for-word transfer. The most accurate survey results are obtained from a questionnaire that feels natural to the respondents so that their true sentiments may be captured and recorded for later analysis.