The Danger of Hoping Without Knowing the Whole Picture

Editor's note: Catalyx's webinar on May 26, 2021, focused on post-pandemic journeys and offered customer insights. Duration: 37:52.

Everyone keeps talking about the “new normal” – but what does that actually mean? Assumptions about what will return to pre-pandemic norms versus what will shift and change are putting brands at risk of making blind decisions. 

The world has been living through the seven stages of grief in the last year. However, this journey hasn’t been linear and it’s dangerous to assume that it will be straightforward as we look to the future.  

It’s true that we’re experiencing a collective sense of hope that vaccinations will provide a way out of the pandemic. But people are still on individual journeys and consequently are in very different stages of their “consumer grief” – making predicting behavior more complicated than a simple “new normal” entails. 

Key takeaways:

  • How to prevent messaging missteps with your consumers with a 360-degree view of what they think, feel, do and want. 
  • How to avoid assumptions and generalizations with groups who are at different stages of their "consumer grief."
  • Learn how to make quicker, easier decisions by understanding your consumers from all angles.
  • Receive some of the most up-to-date consumer insight on how consumers think and feel, what they want from the future, and what they plan to do when it arrives.


Guy White, Founder, Catalyx