End-to-End Insights Platform

Cxoice Insight Systems delivers an integrated end-to-end platform for collecting and collating research and insights, at scale, at speed.

Developed over 20 years for in-house use by dobney.com, Cxoice streamlines all aspects of insight creation, collation and dissemination.

Dobney.com Cxoice insight systems.

Whether for web, phone or offline survey research, Cxoice’s Questionnaire Editor makes it easy to build, share and test questionnaires. With no log-in needed, anyone can design directly on screen, without needing to go from Microsoft Word to scripting.

For web surveys, use panel links or e-mail invites, or for CATI or WATI data collection, add sample and allocate it to telephone interviewers working in-house or remotely using a time zone-aware appointment manager with quotas and monitoring tools.

Data analysis is a breeze with live counts, automated tabulations and a live data presentation that is easily customized via the Report Editor or easily exported to Excel or PowerPoint. 

With its built-in project manager structure, Cxoice can also be used for collation and sharing of assets from surveys or other market intelligence with controlled, permission-based access, alerts and knowledge sharing across the business.

With options from simple one-off server-free surveys to full custom server and multiserver solutions, with advanced research like conjoint analysis available, Cxoice delivers and scales the ultimate end-to-end insight platform.

Have a play or request a demo at https://cxoice.com


Dobney.com insight and intelligence.