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Community platform

Our proprietary C3 community platform was designed by insights community professionals and delivers all the tools you would expect (and one you wouldn’t) in a modern platform. We use the platform daily and we love it but it isn’t the tool that makes us great – it’s our people.  

Today’s brands need fast and deep insights to drive their marketing, customer experiences and innovation. They need the type of insights that only come from great minds working in a collaborative environment and they need to show a good return on their insights investments.  That’s what we deliver. That’s why customers come to us – and it’s why they stay. More than 90% of our clients renew with us, year after year, because we deliver.

KLC has been building insights communities for more than 20 years. You won’t find a more experienced team to help you build a successful community – one that consistently meets your agile insights needs. Much of our team has more than a decade of experience with communities and several of us have been building and running successful insights communities from the beginning. Do you want to trust your community and your customers to anything less?  

KLC webpage dashboard.

All the tools you expect – and then some

Yes, we’ve got the tools too! Our platform’s built-in suite of collaborative research tools were designed by researchers to maximize collaboration and enable the fast iteration only communities can deliver. Our tools include all the things you would expect plus our proprietary CrowdWeaving® technology for co-creation. CrowdWeaving® is a surprisingly affordable innovation catalyst and has been used by dozens of companies to build better products and better services.

KLC things to do page with eight options including polls, forums, surveys and more.

Our overall suite of tools enables a variety of research activities to ensure most any research objective is covered. Activity types include:

CrowdWeaving® product and service innovation

  • Polls
  • Surveys
  • Forum Discussions
  • Online Bulletin Boards
  • Focus Groups
  • IDIs
  • Video Chats
  • Video Diaries
  • Photo Diaries
  • Text Chats

See for yourself

We would love to show you how good technology and great people combine to make KLC the best option for your insights community. 

Contact Information: 

Dan Womack

President, KLC

Phone: 732 224-9991
Email: dwomack@klcommunications.com
