How One Beauty Industry Expert Uses Agile Research To Arrive at Winning Concepts

Editor's Note: GutCheck held a webinar on the beauty industry agile research. Duration 50:12.

The nature of the beauty business is competitive, fast and innovative. New products and packages are rapidly being developed and are fighting for consumer attention. As such, the ability to capture consumer insights quickly and incorporate feedback is critical.

Gia Calhoun, Global Innovation and Insights Manager and beauty expert, discusses common pain points in the beauty industry and best practices around what types of research to conduct in order to solve for those. She also shares a case study explaining how agile market research can be used to uncover consumer opinions to create winning package designs that stand out on the shelf, fit with a company’s brand and satisfy expectations of quality.

Key takeaways:

  • Understand which quant and qual metrics are most important to measure and why when it comes to consumer research in the beauty industry.
  • Learn the value of pairing both quant and qual research together to understand consumer feelings in a much deeper way.
  • Hear why agile research and quick reads are a good fit for the beauty industry in terms of speed and quality of insights gained.
  • How the best practices in the beauty industry can apply to other industries.


  • Gia Calhoun, global innovation and insights manager and beauty expert. 
  • Lisa O'Conner, director of client services, GutCheck.