What’s Top of Mind for Consumers in 2023?

Provoke Insights LogoConsumers fear their financial future as the economy and inflation are major concerns. They are experiencing price increases firsthand, and as a result, budgets are tightening.

The fifth wave of Provoke Insights' trends research determines which brand categories have experienced changes due to these macro trends. The study analyzed what moves the needle in this unknown economy. 

Provoke Insights conducts a biannual study among 1,500 respondents representative of the U.S. population. These valuable one-of-a-kind insights were developed for 15 industry-specific complimentary reports on the following topics:

Download the reports most relevant to you.

Diversity, Inclusivity, Authenticity and CX 

Fieldwork logo with individuals discussing CXThinking about inclusion in research for customer experience has huge benefits. It means gaining new customers' allegiance and captivating existing ones.  Far too often, recruiting is not comprehensive enough with a sample that does not always reflect the wide-cross section of those who use or “could” use your product or service. Sometimes this is simply related to recruiter organizations who struggle to connect to hard-to-reach audiences or don’t have the resources to connect to fit the diversity needed.

Whether you are conducting IDIs or focus groups, using a representative sample of the population is essential to best research practices. According to recent data from Adobe, “61% of Americans find diversity in advertising important and 35% said that they are more likely to trust brands that show more diversity in their ads.” 

Organizations that pay attention to diversity in terms of staffing, sampling, customer research and product design have better innovation, more loyalty and highly engaged customers. 

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"How Hard Is It to Be Your Customer?

Book cover for title How Hard Is It To Be Your CustomerTop business leaders know that to deliver the best customer experience, they must learn as much as possible about their customers. Many understand the learning process often starts with creating a customer journey map. The purpose of journey mapping is to have a shared understanding of the state of the customer experience across the organization. However, nearly two out of three journey maps fail to drive customer-focused change. 

Now with an added chapter that focuses on journey mapping software tools, and the ability to create living journey maps, this enhanced edition of How Hard Is It to Be Your Customer? will help you better understand why some maps drive action while others just gather dust on a shelf.

Learn more.