Create Value (and Brand Insights!) from Facebook Fans

Editor's note: Globalpark held a webinar on creating value of Facebook fans on February 24, 2011. Duration 33:05. 

Most organizations have Facebook pages; few are leveraging them to their fullest. In this Webinar, we will introduce a new solution to help brands create value - and insights - from Facebook fans.

By integrating a private single-sign-on feedback platform within the Facebook environment, there is a newfound ability to easily understand who fans are, compare them with real-world audiences and engage them as both advisors and advocates. Participating Facebook fans provide their feedback, engage in interactive forums, get alerts for new projects and even redeem any reward points without ever leaving the social networking site.

Key takeaways:

  • Leverage Facebook fans for insights, innovation and brand-building.
  • Find out who fans are, and how they compare to your customer base
  • Identify and engage appropriate advisors.
  • Identify and enable influential advocates (or brand ambassadors) to share their joy amongst a broader community.
  • Understand influence and influencers, and how to measure social currency.


Jim Whaley, vice president, Globalpark.