Marketing research and insights news and information. This issue's keywords: customer support; consumer testimonials; small business; appearance; gas prices

People text brands' toll-free numbers even though they don't know if a business supports customer service via text messaging, according to new data by OpenMarket and Zipwhip. Eighty-one percent of consumers are "frustrated" because they have to wait on the phone or by the computer for customer service assistance. Sixty-three percent say they prefer texting over calling for customer service and 44 percent would rather text than wait on hold.

Eighty percent of shoppers believe videos showing how products work are important when learning about new companies, a study by Animoto indicates. Fifty-six percent of shoppers believe consumer testimonials are helpful when making decisions on a product and "about the company" videos are the most helpful in making decisions. In addition, 84 percent of consumers have liked a company video on their social news feed and 56 percent watch company videos that arrive via e-mail. Fifty-six percent believe brands that have Web sites should also have video elements and 63 percent equate companies using video with being in touch with consumers.

American small to mid-size business leaders are moderately optimistic about near-term opportunities for the small business sector and the U.S. economy according to The SMB Job Generation Outlook Survey conducted by Atlanta executive search firm Lucas Group shows. The report also shows executives across the U.S. say job creation, economic growth and the collective health of the small business market look to be in good, stable condition. Fifty-two percent of executives said they were somewhat or very optimistic about job growth prospects for their companies, several points below the survey's historical average and 9 percent said they were very optimistic. However, the amount who reported being somewhat or very pessimistic about job growth prospects dropped from previous quarters to under 10 percent.

A study by GfK shows that 60 percent of people in the U.S. are "completely" or "fairly" satisfied with their looks – slightly higher than the global average of 55 percent. Twenty-one percent of U.S. teenagers say they are "not at all" or "not too" satisfied with their appearance, just above the global average (20 percent) of that age group. In terms of gender, U.S. men and women were almost equal with 60 percent of men and 61 percent of women saying they are either "completely" or "fairly" satisfied with their appearance. Globally, men and women were even at 55 percent. U.S. women were slightly more likely than men to be displeased with their looks with 14 percent of women saying they are "not too" or "not at all" satisfied, compared to 11 percent of U.S. men.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans say cheaper gas prices make a noticeable difference in their finances, including 27 percent saying they are making a "big difference," according to a Gallup poll. Forty-two percent of Americans say they are using the money saved by lower gas prices to pay down bills. Twenty-four percent say they are spending it and 28 percent are saving it.

These reports were compiled from recent issues of the Daily News Queue, a free e-newsletter digest of marketing research and insights news and information delivered each business morning. Not already in the Queue? Sign up here!